There will be delay in shipping due to Chinese New Year Holiday. Buy any 2 aqua bags and get 10% off

Ndem Ambassa Stephane

Coach Ndem Ambassa Stephane is a former professional football player and coach, Personal trainer (NASM), international School gym manager, TRX instructor (NASM) & Fluid X trainer.

I am passionate about everything related to sports, football & fitness. My motto is to help everyone exercise to the best of their ability as well as adopt an healthy & sporty lifestyle to stay productive, young & healthy.

1) Adv Diploma in Sport & Recreation Management (Merit) (HKU).
2) Football Coach (HKFA/AFC “ B”)
3) Qualified Personal Trainer (NASM)
4) TRX specialist Trainer (NASM)
5) Group Fitness trainer (NASM)
6) Fluid X Trainer
